Craig Miller Obituary, Death Rio Rancho, NM – A devastating car accident on November 13, 2024, claimed the lives of Craig Miller, a beloved father and husband, his 11-month-old daughter, and his unborn child. The accident, which occurred just three miles from the Miller family’s home, also left Miller’s wife, Meghan, and their three surviving children seriously injured. The family was returning home when their vehicle was involved in a head-on collision. The force of the impact caused both vehicles to catch fire, exacerbating the tragedy. Craig Miller and his young daughter were pronounced dead at the scene, while Meghan and the children were rushed to a nearby hospital.
A source close to the family has indicated that Craig Jr., one of the injured children, is in critical condition and may not survive. This heartbreaking incident has sent shockwaves through the Rio Rancho community. Craig Miller was known as a dedicated family man, deeply loved by those who knew him. Friends, neighbors, and colleagues are mourning the unimaginable loss and rallying to support the family during this difficult time. Authorities are continuing their investigation into the cause of the accident. Early reports indicate that both vehicles were severely damaged in the collision, and the subsequent fires hindered rescue efforts.
The tragedy has drawn attention to the importance of road safety and has left a community grieving the sudden loss of a father and two young lives. Family and friends have shared their sorrow and memories of Craig Miller, highlighting his kindness, dedication, and love for his family. Support efforts for the Miller family are underway, with neighbors and community organizations stepping forward to provide assistance. A memorial for Craig Miller and his children is expected to be announced in the coming days. This tragic incident serves as a painful reminder of life’s fragility and the profound impact of such losses on a family and community.